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Giovanni Potage
Canon Epithet Erased
6350 Instance No. SCP 6350-104G
Class C
Incidents Winchester Incident
Age 19
Height 6'0"
Weight Skinny
Potato soup

Giovanni Potage is a 6350 agent and former member of the Winchester rescue team.

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Description[edit | edit source]

6350 origin[edit | edit source]

Anomalous abilities[edit | edit source]

Service history[edit | edit source]

Original personnel file[edit | edit source]

Agent Name: Giovanni Potage

Instance Number: SCP 6350-104G

Appearance: Nineteen-year-old male of indeterminate ethnicity, possibly Caucasian. Pink hair and pink eyes unusual for any ethnicity, but agent claims both to be natural, offering the explanation "I've probably got a little Ocean in me." Agent is 6 feet tall (183 cm) and slightly underweight for his height. Wears a distinctive yellow uniform apparently belonging to the "Banzai Blasters" (see below).

Description: 6350-104G claims to originate from "Sweet Jazz City", the capital of "Taiga Country", and to be employed as Captain of a criminal group known as the "Banzai Blasters"; no records of either location or organization have been found. Agent appears to show no shame or remorse regarding his criminal status, and, on the contrary, will proclaim this fact to anyone in earshot, often very loudly.

Despite his apparent disdain for "the law", however, he has been largely cooperative in answering Foundation questions, especially those regarding himself. Agent natively speaks a language yet to be identified and has shown proficiency in baseball and knitting.

Notes: Agent has the ability to produce a substance strongly resembling soup from his body. This soup can be thrown as a projectile, drunk as a healing beverage, or merely eaten as normal soup, among other potential applications. Observed varieties have included tomato basil, minestrone, and lobster bisque. Agent claims this to be the work of an "epithet", and that many people in his world possess similar abilities.

Winchester incident[edit | edit source]

Hayes investigation[edit | edit source]

Underground incident[edit | edit source]

* "Giovanni Potage"
* Banzai Captain.
* Tastes soupy if licked. Licking not advised.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • TBD