Item #: SCP-5349
Object Class: Euclid
Primary Documentation[edit source]
Special Containment Procedures[edit source]
Instances of SCP-5349 are not to be taken offsite under any circumstances. SCP-5349 is localized to Lake Superior and Michipicoten Island, and as such the island has been purchased by the Foundation and is considered private property by the State of Michigan. Having someone who can speak Ojibwe is recommended, but not required to go through the yearly ritual.
Description[edit source]
SCP-5349 is a large aquatic feline creature resembling Puma concolor, several feet in height. The creature is sentient and is able to speak both Ojibwe and English, often peppering one language with the other. It's sex is unknown, as the creature is able to reproduce via parthogenesis and have hundreds, if not thousands, of cubs.
The SCP has been spotted multiple times since long ago, as per the Lake Superior tribes venerating it as a god. SCP-5349 is a 'guardian of the lake' in its own words, and tends to demand respect from humans or other SCP-like entities. In interviews with 5349, it was found that it has been here for a very long time, but the particular [DATA EXPUNGED] actually becomes it through a projected period of time in which it's spawn fight and kill one another after the current SCP-5349 has perished. One spawn (or in rare cases, two) will survive, become SCP-5349, and reach full adulthood. Once an adult, it creates new spawn, which will remain in a cub-like adolescent state until SCP-5349 perishes and the cycle repeats itself.
SCP-5349 is known to be able to control weather conditions on or around the lake - confirmation of it being able to call in storms or create choppy weather have been reported in the past, and it has killed humans that disrespected it either through drowning or a type of attack that is very similar to how cats and orcas take down their prey, tossing the victim into the air and down onto the water repeatedly. Generally, SCP-5349 is not a threat unless pushed, and most instances prefer to stay deep underwater during the day. Radar and electronic imaging technology are somehow incapable of catching them, a phenomenon which is currently unexplained at this time.
A yearly ritual must be performed in order to keep SCP-5349 content. Ritual is as follows: [see addendum]
Addendum 1
- Instructions
- A Pouch full of tobacco
- A sacrificial dagger
- A ribbon
- Ingredients listed in Document 5349-2
- Copper Coins
- Participants
- Prepare the meal by rubbing the spices on the fish and meat, and cook them until well done.
- Take the dagger and have 5 people place their blood on the ribbon. Place the copper coins into the pouch.
- Wrap the ribbon around the pouch.
- 2 to 3 of the same people who put their blood on the pouch need to get on a canoe and row towards the island in the middle of the lake.
- When Mishibijiw appears, yell out "nagaashkaa" and stop rowing.
- The person closest to Mishibijiw should take the prepared Fish and Meat and hold it out, and say "wiikondiwin" to Mishibijiw. Do not move until it is done eating.
- The person in front should now offer the pouch, saying "biindaakoozh".
- Using the dagger, cut open the pouch and row backwards, but stay in eyesight.
If everything goes well, Mishibijiw will calm the lake and leave the participants alone.