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Nanaka Tokiwa
Canon Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
6350 Instance No. SCP 6350-35N
Class C
Incidents Winchester Incident
Age 15
Height 5'3"
Weight 51.5 kg
Potato Rice is better

Nanaka Tokiwa is a former C-class 6350 agent and member of the Winchester rescue team and current friendly extrauniversal contact.

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Description[edit | edit source]

6350 origin[edit | edit source]

Anomalous abilities[edit | edit source]

Service history[edit | edit source]

Original personnel file[edit | edit source]

Agent Name: Nanaka Tokiwa

Instance Number: SCP 6350-35N

Appearance: A Japanese female, 15 years old, 5 feet 3 inches (160cm), with a slim build. Has magenta hair and eyes - both appear to be natural, possibly indicating a large-scale world divergence.

Description: Agent has remained largely cooperative, with Foundation personnel, if initially unwilling, ultimately agreeing to work as an agent in exchange for purification of 35N-2(Note 1) and security clearance on SCP-6███ ("Incubator").(Note 2) Her magic is has the power to "identify those who must be defeated". The agent claims that this includes individuals that will be a threat to her life if nothing is done. A list of names has been provided, which is currently under analysis for the possibility of predicting Containment Breaches and preventing them ahead of time. The strong survivability potential of this magic should be an asset to an team she's assigned to.

Notes: Preliminary analysis of 35N-2 indicates previously unseen modifications. In-depth analysis has been rejected by the agent. 1: Agent appears to originate from a world dominated by SCP-6███, and should be considered an instance thereof in addition to SCP-6350. See relevant documentation for details.

2: Level 2-6███ Security clearance request accepted, Level 3-6███ security clearance request pending performance review.

Winchester incident[edit | edit source]

Hayes investigation[edit | edit source]

After Solomon's barrier was deactivated, Nanaka confronted the Hayes investigation team, and fought Cure Aqua alongside Ky Kiske. The purifying component of Cure Aqua's attacks allowed Nanaka regained enough of her independent will to enact a plan she had devised: by exploiting her simultaneous connections to the curse and to her own world, she was able to purify her fellow Winchester rescue team agents.

Underground incident[edit | edit source]

* "Nanaka Tokiwa"
* Sword Magical Girl.
* Loves flowers and flower metaphors.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • TBD