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Rosa Ushiromiya
Canon Umineko: When They Cry
6350 Instance No. SCP 6350-99R
Class C
Incidents Winchester Incident
Age None of your business
Height 5'4"
Potato vodka

Rosa Ushiromiya is a 6350 agent and former member of the Winchester rescue team.

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Description[edit | edit source]

6350 origin[edit | edit source]

Anomalous abilities[edit | edit source]

Service history[edit | edit source]

Original personnel file[edit | edit source]

Agent Name: Rosa Ushiromiya

Instance Number: SCP 6350-99R

Appearance: A woman entering middle adulthood. Nationality Japanese. Brown hair, brown eyes. Approximately 5' 4" in height. Intricate gold colored tattoo located on right inner thigh.

Description: Agent is somewhat withdrawn in personality. Early interviews were marked with repeated concern and anxiety for her daughter, but this diminished after the first month. Claims to come from a point in the past, specifically October 4th, 1986. Referral to it as "Showa 61" reinforce her nationality. Claims to have been the president of a fashion design company. Claims to be the youngest daughter of an influential 'Kinzo Ushiromiya,' businessman, of which no actual record exists. Especially not at the level the agent describes, which includes a substantial amount of influence on the Japanese government since post-World War II reconstruction. No past metaphysical powers claimed. Agent is compliant with all orders. Rated as fit to serve for general use.

Notes: Agent has the ability to create clothing from nothing, activated at will and with intentional thought into its design. If creating it for herself, she can make the outfit appear into existence on her body with a flash of obscuring white light. Overuse prompts extreme hunger and fatigue as a side effect. Agent claims to have never had this power before, and requested not to be forced to use it. A compromise was reached where she would be able to wear what she made in lieu of her uniform and warm meals would be provided on request.

Winchester incident[edit | edit source]

Hayes investigation[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • TBD