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Canon Fate/Grand Order
6350 Instance No. SCP 6350-11G
Class C
Incidents Winchester Incident
Age 4030+
Height 5'11"
Weight 150 lbs
Potato Mashed

Gilgamesh is a former 6350 agent and former member of the Winchester rescue team.

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Description[edit | edit source]

6350 origin[edit | edit source]

Anomalous abilities[edit | edit source]

Service history[edit | edit source]

Original personnel file[edit | edit source]

Agent Name: Gilgamesh

Instance Number: SCP 6350-11G

Appearance: A blond-haired man who stands at average height of five feet and eleven inches. He has a rather lean and muscular build. Usually is seen with at least one article of golden jewelry upon him and his person.

Description: Agent has claimed to be a King of Uruk, specifically Gilgamesh from the old myth. He also has insisted multiple times to be treated as such and has at times reacted poorly when this request wasn't fulfilled to his 'standards'. 6350-11G is rather high maintenance despite his clear capability at handling tasks, and has occasionally mentioned his talent in leadership accordingly to his claimed position. Agent has been non-cooperative following the interview, causing massive trouble and acting disobedient to superiors. For now, he seems at least willing to go on missions with others, despite making his displeasure working with the organization known.

Notes: Though the Agent has somewhat settled down from the beginning of his arrival, it would be best to keep a close eye on him.

Winchester incident[edit | edit source]

Hayes investigation[edit | edit source]

Undergound incident[edit | edit source]

* "King Gilgamesh"
* King of Heroes.
* A powerful, mercurial, and incredibly prideful man.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • TBD